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Sunday, 14 February 2016

3 Years of Travel in 3 Minutes (Lessons and Adventures)

Three Years of Travel and Adventure around the World in 3 Minutes.

Includes scenes from India, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Greece, Italy, the Vatican, Canada, US, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Nepal, Indonesia and Croatia.

President Obama Talks The First Lady

50 Sports Photos Taken At The Right Moment

Robot journalism: the end of human reporters? - The Listening Post (Feature)

You may not have realised it, by some of the stories you have read may have been produced by robots.Financial reports, sports updates and earthquake alerts are the kinds of stories that are already being produced by algorithms without any human involvement.One piece of software - Wordsmith - produces thousands of earnings reports every quarter, while the video creation platform Wochit, means that hundreds of news videos can be generated and uploaded to news websites and social media.There are obvious upsides for news organisations - more stories, quick turnaround, and fewer people to pay. But what are the downsides for news reporting?The Listening Post's Meenakshi Ravi reports on the implications of robot journalism

How to Write Narrative

Lana Del Rey - Music To Watch Boys To

Guitar Instructionals

NESCAFÉ On The Life collaborates with 20 of Malaysia's top bands/artistes to show you how to play their songs. Get to know them, their secrets and tips to making great music and being successful. You can also share your video response by sharing a video of yourself covering their music on
